
电影 9.4
地 区:
类 型:
喜剧 剧情 运动 耶鲁
年 代:
演 员:
Christine Ajisafe Lian Chang Chike Chukwuma Abe Danz David Mills Boynton
导 演:
Meredith Finkelstein
简 介:

here are 10 million games in the naked city - board games, mind games, gender games, drinking games, video games, gaming the system, mating games, role-playing games, and games of chance. A nuclear scientist practices for her baton competition. Video game addiction fractures a lesbian couple. An alienated office worker plays games of life and death. Everyone plays games, whether they know it or not. We humans have come up with many ways to pass the vacant hours. Two actors try on different roles in order to connect to their characters. An alienated dwarf with a gambling addiction talks to his bookie, an equally alienated creature, who is late for yoga. A group of friends gathers to play a board game and gossip. Some hospital orderlies go into a back room to play a drinking game with an imaginary ball. What draws them all together? Each game provides us with a glimpse into our diversions - light and dark. 展开>> << 收起



地 区:
类 型:
喜剧 爱情 家庭
年 代:
演 员
Tony Danza ... Tony Micelli Alyssa Milano ... Samantha Micelli Judith Light ... Angela Bower
导 演
Martin Cohan
简 介:

Former major-leaguer Tony Micelli and his daughter Samantha arrive at the Connecticut household of executive Angela Bower, where Tony has taken a job as live-in housekeeper. The Bowers are an interesting family, to say the least. Angela is uptight and obsessed with her work. Her son Jonathan is shy and lacks self-esteem, and her mother, Mona, is a man-hungry vixen. Tony soon wi... 展开>> << 收起

地 区:
类 型:
年 代:
演 员:
Martin Palermo Carlos Tevez Roberto Abbondanzieri
导 演:
Rodrigo H. Vila
简 介:

For the first time in the world a football club has its own movie. A film that allows the spectator to experience the unique sensation of being on the football field, to revive the greatest goals in Boca Juniors's history and to get emotional with the stories of players like Carlos Tévez, Martín Palermo, Juan Román Riquelme or Diego Maradona. Stories that excite every public be... 展开>> << 收起

