
电影 9.4
地 区:
类 型:
喜剧 剧情 运动 耶鲁
年 代:
演 员:
Christine Ajisafe Lian Chang Chike Chukwuma Abe Danz David Mills Boynton
导 演:
Meredith Finkelstein
简 介:

here are 10 million games in the naked city - board games, mind games, gender games, drinking games, video games, gaming the system, mating games, role-playing games, and games of chance. A nuclear scientist practices for her baton competition. Video game addiction fractures a lesbian couple. An alienated office worker plays games of life and death. Everyone plays games, whether they know it or not. We humans have come up with many ways to pass the vacant hours. Two actors try on different roles in order to connect to their characters. An alienated dwarf with a gambling addiction talks to his bookie, an equally alienated creature, who is late for yoga. A group of friends gathers to play a board game and gossip. Some hospital orderlies go into a back room to play a drinking game with an imaginary ball. What draws them all together? Each game provides us with a glimpse into our diversions - light and dark. 展开>> << 收起



电视剧 5
地 区:
类 型:
劇情 Drama
年 代:
演 员
Max Beesley Joseph Millson Laura Fraser
导 演
Dearbhla Walsh
简 介:

The four-part television drama is a warm hearted show about modern relationships and modern lives. It's Cold Feet - with tough edges. At the heart of it is a love triangle between Claire, Woody and Mitch (Max Beesley). Claire and Woody have been together for 8 years, have a young baby and are planning their wedding. Mitch is Woody's best friend, but he also loves Claire. Mitch ... 展开>> << 收起


Alone We Are Not

地 区:
类 型:
年 代:
演 员:
Steve Baran
导 演:
Jason Mills
简 介:

一名前海军陆战队员回到他怀孕的妻子身上,患有创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的她,为了安慰他而奋力拼搏,并进一步陷入偏执的幻想中。当他被提供另一个值班时,她恳求他留下来。他们的家被一群病态和扭曲的精神病患者所侵略,他们两人都在恐吓他们,但这不是唯一入侵的东西......一个身份不明的物种也在房子里,以一种难以想象的恐怖的愤怒降临在他们身上。 展开>> << 收起

